星期五, 1月 13, 2012



1。Five of Wands
Focuses on internal struggles with intention or exercising your personal integrity in a way that does not create conflict.

2。Nine of Pentacles
You want to move onto something new or into something better or different. A desire for change or feeling a need for freedom.

3。Five of Cups
You may be having difficulties in your marriage/relationship or another prominent area in your life. You are tired of feeling like you have to work so hard only to remain dissatisfied. Indicates a period of emotional exhaustion, or feeling overwhelmed.

4。The Devil (Major Arcana)
You need to learn that how you direct your thoughts and feelings is how you expend your energy. If you always focus on the negative not only will you remain frustrated you will in turn bring more negativity to you. Learn to count your blessings even if they seem small and gain some more perspective. Especially in times of extreme emotion, it is better to redirect thoughts and behaviors in new ways, than it is to sink into complacency or hide from the truth. This is the ultimate card of self-deception.

5。Page of Swords
Keep believing and working towards your goals, you are closer than you might think. Don't allow others (or even yourself) to discourage or sabotage you.

